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Goodbye gifts from AFP in 2015?

Tuesday 10 February 2015

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

AFP’s CEO Emmanuel Hoog made several announcements during the Works Council meeting on February 10:

  • First, that he would convoke trade union representatives in the first half of March to (re)open talks on a new work conditions accord for AFP that would replace the numerous agreements that have been concluded over the years. He said an agreement should be reached in just three months. He’s apparently in a rush.
  • Hoog also announced he would soon (also beginning of March?) launch an initiative "en terme d’emplois". He did not want to specify what this cryptic phrase means. When asked by SUD if this means financial incentives for people to retire, Hoog did not say no, just "you’ll see". Other members of management have indicated there is no question of a "plan social" (layoffs).
  • Hoog also announced that the details of AFP’s investment subsidiary would be submitted to the Board of Governors and the to Works Council on March 20.

For several months AFP’s management has been putting off resolution of issues, saying they would be addressed in the negotiations on a new all-encompassing accord on work conditions. For example, this was the excuse given not to renew an agreement on retirement bonuses for most non-journalist employees that expired on December 31.
If financial incentives are to be offered for employees to retire, where will the money come from?
After the hobbling of AFP’s statutes, are employee benefits the next target?

A successful defense of our economic and social benefits cannot rely upon the efforts of several trade unionists. The effort of all AFP employees will be needed. Watch this space.

Paris, February 10, 2015
SUD-AFP (Solidarity - Unity - Democracy)