Home > Communiqués SUD-AFP > Job cuts: The axe falls on “Region France”

Job cuts: The axe falls on “Region France”

Wednesday 24 April 2019

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AFP’s management presented on Friday, April 19 in the CSE (Works Council) details about the job cuts it plans in the “Region France”, that is to say the Paris-based production services and French regional bureaus. Here is what the Fries Plan will do if it is implemented despite unanimous opposition by unions.


Informations générales (-2 posts)

  • The three bureaus in the Paris suburbs (Bobigny, Nanterre, Créteil), with 9 text reporters, will be reorganized into two “pôles” with 8 reporters. The northern pôle will remain in Bobigny, the location of the southern bureau is yet to be decided.
  • The pool “reportage” based in Paris will drop from 7 to 6 journalists.

Economics (-2 posts)

  • The Economics Department is being done away with following the breakup of the Economics Desk last year, with the post of head being lost (-1).
    The post of the head of the reporting service is being transformed into the head of what is now to be called the Economics Service.
    The central pool of reporters will drop from 6 to 5 journalists to create a post of deputy service chief.
  • The industry pool of reporters will drop from 4 to 3 (-1).

Politics (-1)

  • A “political life” pool will be created to replace the two pools covering the left and right political parties, reducing the staff from 6 to 5 reporters.

Regional bureaus (-2 posts)

  • The Rennes bureau will drop from 5 to 4 reporters.
  • The Lyon bureau will drop from 5 to 4 reporters.
    Another proposal by management: journalists based in other cities in these regions will have to share “on-call” duty.


The photo service in France will also be touched, with one post cut in Lille and others in Paris, where management talked of “over-staffing” and “reporters complaining they don’t have enough work”.

This plan which wants us to do “better with less” is a bad idea, both for clients and staff. Now more than ever we need to work to defeat it!

Paris, 19 April 2019
SUD-AFP (Solidarity-Unity-Democracy)