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Wages: Management must implement the SPQN ruling!

Wednesday 6 November 2019

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

The Paris Court of Appeal ordered AFP to increase its wages and pay back wages in a ruling handed down on September 19, 2019. More than a month later, management has yet to do anything concerning the wage hikes agreed at the level of the national press association (SPQN) and which should have been applied since 2013 and 2014.

Printable version

The Court of Appeal confirmed the ruling of the trial court which said that AFP “must:

  • raise base wages by 0.4% from March 1, 2013 for all staff with French contracts;
  • raise base wages by 0.5% from May 1, 2013 for all staff with French contracts;
  • raise base wages by 0.5% from April 1, 2014 for laborers and technical staff;
  • raise base wages by 0.5% from May 1, 2014 for employees, administrative staff
  • and journalists.”

The Court of Appeal also ordered AFP to similarly adjust, from 2011, other parts of our salaries like the prime spéciale and the prime de rendement that are not calculated on index point values like base wages.

What does management intend to do? It has said nothing since its statement on September 23, when it indicated it aims to resist implementation of the ruling as it would have a “major impact on the company’s budgetary balance”. More concretely, it said “AFP will assess all possibilities for appeal…”

Still nothing!

Instead of playing for time, management should answer these pressing questions:

  • When will it pay the sums due?
  • What does it mean when it says the ruling “doesn’t concern all employees at the Head Office”?
  • What is the impact on the current wage scales, which took as a basis the point indices in place since November 2012?
  • What about the elements of our wages specified in the second part of the ruling?

Given management’s silence, the trade unions SUD, FO and CFE-CGC urge employees to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the head of Human Resources requesting the implementation of the ruling. Use the model provided here.

Lettre modèle

Paris, November 6, 2019