Home > Communiqués SUD-AFP > Points-based retirement scheme: Point of no return ‒ Stop the reform!

Points-based retirement scheme: Point of no return ‒ Stop the reform!

Monday 6 January 2020

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Despite mounting opposition to its plan to reform the current retirement system based on public solidarity, the Macron-Philippe government is pushing forward to impose a points-based retirement scheme which will be a windfall for pension fund managers but leave future retirees much worse off. The coming weeks will be critical to avoid such a catastrophe.

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SUD calls on AFP staff to participate in strike-related actions

→ By going on strike. The national alliance of CGT-FO-FSU-Solidaires-Unef-UNL trade unions has called for “creating the conditions for a large-scale, cross-sector strike from January 9 with demonstrations throughout the country.” They also called for “making Saturday, January 11 a day of demonstrations across the nation.” AFP staff who go on strike ‒ total or limited, on January 9 or thereafter ‒ will be covered by the national strike call which SUD-AFP joins. No need for prior notification: you only need to contact your supervisor just before you are due to start working to inform them you are striking.

→ By joining demonstrations and acts of solidarity. Whether when on strike or during your free time, show your opposition to the government’s reform by supporting the most organized strikers: workers at the railway, metro, refineries, hospitals, schools... Agenda of Paris actions: https://paris.demosphere.net

→ By showing financial solidarity with strikers. Many have already sacrificed a month of wages by striking for all of us and for future generations. Help them by contributing to one of the many local or national strike funds that have been set up. Among them is the solidarity fund run by Info’Com-CGT that is co-managed by SUD-PTT 92 and which has already paid out thousands to strikers (whether they are union members or not) in a transparent manner:

→ By defending quality news. The authorities are counting on using the police and courts as well as disinformation to impose the reform. As journalists, we should not be complicit. Macron, Delevoye & Co have already lied about the “universality” of the reform, about women being winners under the reform when they will be the biggest losers, about police violence, about the number of demonstrators and percentage of strikers… The experience of recent months has shown that government and police sources are not credible. Polls are also often dubious when they are carried out for the government and its allies. We need to say NO to propaganda and remain loyal to our mission to inform.

Abandon the retirement reform!

The public benefits system, which has been eroded over the years, is the result of the struggles and sacrifices of our parents and grandparents. It is up to us to defend it, for ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren. It’s time to act!

Paris, January 6, 2020
SUD-AFP (Solidarity-Unity-Democracy)