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Why vote? Why vote SUD?

Thursday 22 September 2022

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The election of staff representatives to AFP’s Social and Economic Committee (CSE) begins on Friday, September 23 at 9:00 am. The vote, held online, closes on Friday, September 30 at 3:00 pm. All HQ-status staff on permanent contracts are eligible to vote, as well as CDDs and regular stringers under certain conditions.

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What’s at stake:

1/ You choose which unions represent you in negotiations and sign accords with management. You have to make the choice: do you confer your vote to unions which accept the bad deals and social setbacks put forward by management, or do you give more weight to representatives who sign accords when they are good for staff and who also know how to say no and offer alternatives?

2/ You elect 24 representatives and 24 alternates to the CSE. The category of workers and employees elects four representatives and four alternates. The category of administrative and technical cadres elects five representatives and five alternates. Journalists elect 15 representatives and 15 alternates.

Questions and Answers

Why not wait for a second round of voting?

In contrast to political elections, it is the first round of voting that is decisive in staff elections. Usually there isn’t a second round, and one is held only for the categories where turnout was less than 50%. In the last election at AFP, everything was decided in the first round. So, vote now!

How does the vote take place?

After logging in at the site www.afp.webvote.fr (you should have received a login code), you have two votes to cast: the first is for the representatives or titulaires, then the alternates or suppléants. For each of these votes you will be presented with the names of the unions with lists of candidates in your category. You click on the list of your choice and validate. If you vote for SUD, please validate our entire list of candidates without removing any names, which penalizes our whole list.

Why vote for SUD representatives and alternates?

It is the vote for the representatives which determines the overall weight of each trade union. By voting for SUD, you give us greater weight in negotiations with management, even potentially the ability to block bad deals. With a greater number of representatives, we also get more hours to prepare, which we can share with our alternates to create an effective team.

Why are certain people candidates on both lists?

Being an effective representative requires a considerable investment of time and energy. That’s why all the unions had trouble finding candidates. That’s why you have people as both candidates for representatives and alternates, or incomplete lists. An intercategorial union, SUD has lists in all three categories with candidates ready, like those which have served since 2018, to work actively and tenaciously to defend the interests of staff and to inform them.

Vote SUD (titulaires and suppléants!

SUD campaign manifestos: http://u.afp.com/ioxR (Aurore link)

Paris, September 22, 2022
SUD-AFP (Solidarity, Unity, Democracy)