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Changes at AFP Paris HQ: Other Options are both Possible and Necessary

Friday 12 October 2012

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Changes at AFP Paris HQ: Other Options are both Possible and Necessary

PARIS, 12/10/2012 - 1529 - In response to the appeal by the CGT, CFDT, FO, SUD and CGC trade unions and their elected representatives on the AFP Health & Safety Committee (CHSCT), over 60 Paris-based staff took part in an open meeting on Thursday to discuss management’s latest plans for the agency’s Parisian premises.

The main conclusion of the meeting was that we must demand that management agree to a complete rethink of the plans drafted three years ago by the former CEO Pierre Louette - not only on the practical level but in strategic terms.

Refusing to see AFP split up into separate parts, we state that:

  • The heart of AFP’s editorial team should be housed in the HQ building on Place de la Bourse;
  • All Parisian AFP staff, whatever their profession, should remain grouped around the Place de la Bourse, in premises which conform fully to all standards in terms of comfort and working conditions.

The joint unions will meet next Monday (October 15) to agree on a platform of demands and to propose appropriate means to impose those demands.

Staff who were not able to attend Thursday’s meeting are invited to contact the unions to give us your viewpoints.

CGT-FO-SUD-CGC trade unions representing all HQ status staff at AFP - Friday October 12 2012

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