Censure Motion: Powerful Rebuke for CEO Emmanuel Hoog
PARIS, 08/09/2011 - Statement by joint AFP headquarters-status trade unions (CGT , SNJ , CFDT, FO, SUD , CGC and SAJ-UNSA)
Herewith the results of the internal staff vote on a censure motion against chief executive Emmanuel Hoog:
- Eligible to vote: 1,380
- Votes cast: 797 (57.75%)
- In favour: 704 (88.33%)
- Against: 45 (5.65%)
- Abstentions: 48 (6.02%)
The result signifies a clear and unequivocal rejection of the methods used by the agency’s president to push through as quickly as possible the members’ bill tabled by a French senator with the aim of undermining AFP’s current statutes.
This is shown by the high turn-out and crushing majority in favour of the motion, submitted by the joint CGT, SNJ, CFDT, FO, SUD, CGC and SAJ unions, despite the fact that the vote was held over only 48 hours.
The censure motion notably states that "staff call on the chief executive to immediately cease and desist from his disgraceful dealings against the interests of the agency and its staff, and to abandon all promotion of Senator Legendre’s draft law. The latter contains serious threats against the survival, the independence and the image of the agency worldwide."
"Which is why we are casting the present vote to express our censure of the CEO and his methods", the motion concludes.
On the basis of this vote, the joint unions and staff demand that CEO Emmanuel Hoog PUBLICLY MAKE KNOWN BY MIDDAY ON TUESDAY (1000 GMT) AT THE LATEST that in the light of the resolute opposition to his projects, he considers it no long either desirable or opportune that the Legendre draft law be debated by parliament.
We ask that the CEO give a clear and unambiguous reply to this solemn appeal.
The joint unions state that if Emmanuel Hoog fails to take full account of the censure expressed by staff, they will call for a 24-HOUR STRIKE FROM WEDNESDAY TO THURSDAY, as a warning to the AFP board of governors, due to meet on Thursday.
As soon as the CEO’s answer has been provided to the joint unions, a STAFF GENERAL ASSEMBLY will take place to decide collectively what further measures should be taken.
The joint unions will also hold a news conference on Tuesday, September 13.
Lastly, the unions have decided to write to the Senate to inform its members of staff’s rejection of the draft law currently submitted to them, and to invite them to draw the required conclusions by witholding support from the Legendre proposal in parliament.
Joint AFP trade unions - Paris 08/09/2011
For further information on this issue, in both English and French, see the "SOS-AFP.ORG" website.