Recent media leaks have shown that chief executive Emmanuel Hoog sees PR spin as the best way to push through an unwanted reform of Agence France-Presse’s statutes, to influence not only the general public and French MPs but also his own staff (see ).
Called on by the Works Committee to explain his bizarre dealings with “Media9”, a PR outfit whose boss just happens to be a former close aide to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, M. Hoog denied that he had signed a wide-ranging agreement with them - but did admit that his team had used them to acquire a mailing-list of international journalists!
Well that should certainly come in handy, as SUD-AFP is today publishing a set of documents in English that M. Hoog and his PR-friendly management team will no doubt be rushing to publicise!
Information pack on plans to change AFP’s statutes
- First translation ever of the 1957 foundation document. Available at A fully-annotated printable version is available on the same page.
In addition to the act of parliament that laid down AFP’s statutes over half a century ago - and that is still doing just fine today, thank you - we offer:
- An annotated English version of the "statement of aims" of the draft bill currently before the French parliament;
- A similarly annotated summary of the changes proposed in the bill;
- The text of an "open letter" to French MPs in protest at the plan;
- The text of the joint-union petition launched to defend AFP from an earlier attack in 2008 - and which is still very relevant today.
Anyone wishing to get a clearer idea of what exactly is going on at one of the world’s main international news agencies is invited to download these documents from the "SOS-AFP" web site at
Spinmeister Hoog is fond of empty talk about "public interest missions"; we prefer to actually produce "public interest documents". Isn’t that what AFP’s all about, M. Hoog?
SUD-AFP Union, Monday September 5, 2011